
Practical Magicks

Uriel is The Keeper Of The Flame Of God. For me he is over the element Earth on the Southern Point of The Sacred Circle. He helps us see Truth. He is an Angel of Destruction and Renewal. He is a Punisher Of Evil Forces. He brought the gift of Kabbalah to humanity. He has […]

June 2, 2019

10 of Wands #COTD

Card Of The Day #COTD

In order to achieve a higher status in life, I was faced with some hard choices. Sometimes an ending is a new beginning that leaves us broken and picking up the pieces. However, many many times it bring us good change. When we find our backs against the wall, we have to stop and look at the big picture.

February 22, 2018

Justice #COTD

Card Of The Day #COTD

If we, stay on the right path, make it our business to know the laws and rules of our community, work hard and put the best of ourselves into all that we do, we will be rewarded with a good solid foundation for our lives. We will have harmony and balance in our lives. In the end, we each decide for ourselves how this card plays out by the choices we decide to make.

February 17, 2018

6 Of Cups #COTD

Card Of The Day #COTD

This moment when we begin to see the transformation actually happening before us represents enlightenment and personal growth, a moment in which we reconnect with parts of ourselves that we had lost touch with and we are all the better for it. 

February 16, 2018