10 Of Cups #COTD

Card Of The Day #COTD

This card overall reveals a time of prosperity and advancement.  Now is a time to approach situations that need resolution and end it while everyone is on an even keel.  It is a good time to make stronger commitments with partners.  It is a good time to begin an engagement.

March 23, 2018

5 Of Disks #COTD

Card Of The Day #COTD

This is the journey that leads to deep soul healing and any venture with that kind of promise is worth taking even if you just keep beginning it again and again.  There will be breakthroughs.  Celebrate the tiny as well as the great moments of clarity.  You are worth the effort.

March 8, 2018

Ace Of Cups

Card Of The Day #COTD

Be careful how much wall you allow yourself to put up during the interaction. Being too defensive can make us seem like we are not willing to try to work with the person that needs to clear the air. Be as honest as you can be and allow both sides to present their perspective.

March 4, 2018