Finding Healing
I stepped out of the world once upon a time. I withdrew because I realized that I was not coping well. The more I tried to get help from anyone the more they just expected me to just shut up and go away.
In the grip of deep pain, we can’t see into situations as clearly as we normally do no matter how strong we think we are. When we are in pain, no matter the cause, we go into survival mode. We have to consciously focus on things that generally come easy to us.
You are a Star. Honing our senses is a big key in learning how you heal your soul pain. Accepting and in enacting Real change gets you there much faster.
Unconditional Love Really Helps.
Knights have highly romanticize characteristics. They are sensitive and caring to the needs of others. Loyalty is high on their list of needs in relationships.
Giving and receiving love and support.