How I Organize My Moon Self-Care Binder – Dwell in Magic
Uriel is The Keeper Of The Flame Of God. For me he is over the element Earth on the Southern Point of The Sacred Circle. He helps us see Truth. He is an Angel of Destruction and Renewal. He is a Punisher Of Evil Forces. He brought the gift of Kabbalah to humanity. He has […]
His imagination is still alive and can carry him through the projects he is working on. Her mind remains open to new and challenging ideals and possibilities.
Art and Compilation By Me
This moment when we begin to see the transformation actually happening before us represents enlightenment and personal growth, a moment in which we reconnect with parts of ourselves that we had lost touch with and we are all the better for it.
The Heart Holds A Wisdom The Mind Cannot Comprehend
Inner healing come through daring to complete the journey.
Arch Angel of Justice and Harmony