Our emotions and thoughts are like ships set adrift on the ocean, affecting the whole of the ocean. They come from you; change your ships and change the way the ocean reacts and the way other react, change the energy.
The Page’s strength is unconditional love both for self and others, and non judgement. Assuming strength in yourself, others and in situations. Project into the world calm thoughts that support rather than hinder what you want from life. Take complete responsibility for yourself, your thoughts, your emotions, your actions, and your life. You were designed for this life in every way.
Unconditional Love, Non Judgement, Do What Is Right, Right Thoughts, Right Emotions, Right Actions, A fair child, a messenger, a birth
Blame, bitterness, self sabotage, Unlucky in Love, Obstacles
Mary El Tarot – Landscapes Of The Abyss, Marie White