Month: January 2018
Blue Moon
We are in a new moon phase right now. It is time to release the old and open ourselves to the new.
Custom Sigil
I love to create sigils to enhance my connection to the prayers I offer up to the Divine. Get a personal sigil that represents your specific situation be it healing, love, grief, guidance, etc… This will require a personal consultation. $25.00
Druid Symbols
We are so familiar with symbols, but we rarely understand their meanings.
Breaking Free From Expectations
Courage is not a lack of fear. It is being afraid and doing it anyway.
Finding Healing In Hardship
Taking time to reaccess how you act or react to hardship will take you closer toward deeper and a lasting inner healing that enhances your soul journey.
Nikita Gill Quote
From the fires of trauma
where no one expected
your recovery,
you have forged
your own rebirth.
Nikita Gill
Connecting With Spirits Before Smudging
Many cultures use smudging as a way to encourage the spirits to move on. You do not need to be a spiritualist or a shaman to smudge your home and yourself if needed.
Master Your Mind
Are you the master of your mind or a slave to your thoughts?
Who I Am Now
original image from altered by me. My Thoughts, My Compilation